Saturday, April 5, 2014

Different Types of Instagrammers...

Heyyyy it's Mishi Yo! Ima talk about different types of instagrammers, there are always those people on instagram that you just want to walk to their house, and strangle them cause their instagram is filled with so much crap! 

#1: The person who say "No filter" When obviously they used a filter! Then there like #nomakeup! Like B*tch, you look like you just came out of the circus. Like i didn't know you were black and white! 

#2: The instagrammer that post's a picture of every thing they eat. There instagram is filled with so much food, they'll be eating a burrito, or sushi and this is what you see: 

#3: Next are the people on instagram that post a picture every 10 seconds. They over load my instagram like stop! And half the time there the ugliest people in the world, like i don't want to constantly see pictures of your ugly ass face. Like chill with the selfies! 
#4: The sentimental jerk! The people who take piks with no shirt or pictures where they think there thugs, but then they have a caption like "Don't wait for the perfect moment, take the moment and make it perfect..." Like are you bipolar or something lol?!?!
#5: Then finally theres the hashtagers that they hash tag everything! it could be a picture of a sunset they'll be like #cow Like tf?! Like #seriously
Well that's it for now! I hope you enjoyed! Ill see y'all tomorrow! Bye dudes!

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